What can You Do ?
What can you do for your parents ?
What can you possibly do ?
Will they say , What bliss
When you give them a good night kiss ?
What can you do for your neighbours ?
What can you possibly do ?
Can you stop just for a while
To give them a friendly smile ?

What can you do for your friend ?
Can you go out of your way ,
To pluck some flowers sweet and gay ,
And put on his desk , end of the day ?

What can you do for a sick child ?
What can you possibly do ?
Can you show to him that you care ,
Whenever he's in despair ?

What can you do for yourself?
What can you possibly do ?
Can you do with all your might .
What is good in God's sight ?

What can you do for the Lord?
What can you possibly do ?
Can you shun all that's mean ,
And keep your actions , thoughts and words clean ?
By ag.lai02