Sing Little Bird , Sing !
Come little bird , come down from the tree
The night has passed , the sun is up
You must come down the tree to see
I've put out some crumbs for you in a cup.
Sing , little bird , sing me a song !
Sing softly , sing sweetly all day long .
To- morrow I will go away from this valley
Start singing ; let's make merry !
The butterflies have come visiting the flowers
That're sweet smelling , fresh from a shower .
Like you , they too need food to eat
But they will not eat bread crumbs or seed .
So little bird , start singing your song .
I've waited for your melody late and long .
Sing of the mountains and plains and sun rise
And of the fairies ; you'll be in for a surprise .
My little bird sings on and on and on .
I sit on my veranda listening to it , all alone .
My bird will come again tomorrow morning .
It will stop singing to me in the late evening .
By Agatha Lai ©