Let's go to see the flowers, the sunflowers .
If they are still blooming ,
As they brave the winds and the showers
Their petals and leaves falling.
Let's go to the forest today
Let's hurry ! There we can tarry !
It's only a few hours away . .
There our souls , we make merry !.
Let's climb to the mountain top .
From there we look down at the valley below .
And yell to the world please STOP
Persecuting your country fellows.
Let's raise our eyes to the sky
Look at the moon and the stars
They'll be there until the day we die .
Sudden deaths can make that day not far !
Let's fly to the moon in our dreams .
And bask in it's soft , beautiful light .
We can dance in the flickering moon beams .
It's such a jolly plight !
Let's not judge others without reasons .
Over our friends whom we think are weak
Let's have the gift to listen .
Perhaps they are just being meek .
Let's bow down our heads and recall .
In a moment so serene and pure ,
Have we ever done a good deed at all ,
To make the heavenly place secure ?