Beside the shore I sit alone .
Looking at the wide , wide sea .
Sitting on a big stone.
I listen to the waves and the sea.
To see the waves break into ripples .
And its wavelets like dimples .
Below the blue sky , the sea gulls fly .
One call and the rest reply .
I say to the waves stay , stay ,
Let me play with you today .
Away they roll one splash after the other.
Not a second delay !
It is rushing , tearing all day and night ,
The sea of great might !
Now they come up , now they go down !
The waves shatter the silence of the sky .
The sea is bright in the dancing light.
Of a million ,million gleams.
Far away , the fishermen throw their nets
Into the sea they cast.
When they draw it up ; it is empty
They throw it in again.
The sun shines hot on their wrinkled faces.
Like ripples on the sea faces .
The sea is God's gift to us .
It provides food and fun for all .
Feel the gentle sea breeze on your face and hand ;
You will come here again !
By Agatha Lai ©