We go through lives making a lot of mistakes .This cannot be avoided . Sometimes the
mistakes are minor in nature but sometimes they are serious ; depending on the circumstances.
How do you feel about the mistakes you made ? Do you turn a blind eye to them or do you define
your mistakes and try to make amend and to ratify them ? Or do you blame others for your
mistakes? Which category do you belong to?
If you are the type that recognize your mistake and try to make amend for it ; you have positive
thinking .After all , that mistake is now a history .Life goes on ! As soon as you have realized your
mistake is going to cost you a lot , you admit your mistake to those around you and you try to
ratify it .You may actually have to pay for your mistakes , but , the more you pay for it the more
positive values you get for it . Your friends too , can help you along with the noble attempt , that
is , if you have the right type of friends . You come out of it stronger .
If you are the type that turn a blind eye to the mistake you have made and just let time tide
over it . Well , you are the average person .You are one of the many in this world that just go
through life vegetating .Come what may ; you cannot be bothered .You pay for your mistake and
perhaps live from one mistake to another mistake .Your whole life is a mistake ( just joking
of course ) ! You gonna exert yourself more , boy !
If you are the type that blame others for your mistake or look for a scapegoat for your mistake ,
what does that make you ?
It's time you start thinking !
By Agatha Lai ©